Sunday 2 November 2014

Fisrt Night in the New House

I hope you all had a good half term break.  It was great to see the boys arrive back safely to the new boarding house.  There were lots of smiles as they discovered their room allocations and it was generally agreed that we are the luckiest house at Kingswood. 

In our new common room
A special mention must go to Corby's mother who very kindly baked us some special Hall House house warming cakes complete with red "H" and stars!  And a big thank you to Mr Forrester's wife who also contributed a variety of biscuits and cakes for the boys as a way of saying welcome to our new home.

Mrs H's wonderful cakes
The boys will be up bright and early tomorrow morning in order to walk across to the other side of the campus for breakfast rather than simply walking downstairs to the dining hall as was always the case before!