Thursday, 6 June 2019

Summer term

The boys in years 11 and 13 have all been working hard in their examinations with many of them completing them next week. Our year 12 students are also in the middle of their end of year examinations prior to going on work experience next week. The final round of examinations take place next week also for our year 9 boys.

Lots happened in the last half term despite it being a short one. Mr Chua and Mr Harding have been keeping the twitter account up to date: @KWS_HallHouse but for those of you not on twitter, below are a selection of the photographs posted.

Frankie and Tom in the House Cross Country relays

Storm at Green Park station gig

Green park gig - Matty and Max

Alex on the trumpet at Green Park

Matty on electric guitar

Tayo as part of KJO at Green Park

Start of the relays

International hockey player Rob in the relay team

Andy, Hall House 1980 -85 visiting in April

Half of our year 13

The other half!